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Transforming outdoor spaces into year-round havens of joy, where every moment is an original masterpiece. Unmatched in innovation, we lead while others echo.

Seamlessly blending the indoors with the outdoors, we collaborate with clients to elevate their properties, adding value and ensuring a return on investment. Experience the authenticity of original outdoor design.

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Every Masterpiece Outdoorliving Space begins with artistic vision and inspirational design. Each space reflects our clients lifestyle and personal taste, complements the home's architecture, considers the sun, wind and weather and creates a relaxed gathering space that transforms your property and your LIFE...


Go behind the scenes and discover the magic happening in Durango, Colorado, as we breathe new life into one of our massive projects. We're doing a complete revitalization of the outdoor space and a total transformation of the interior.

It's not just an upgrade – it's a makeover that's bound to leave you in awe. Brace yourself for a project that's set to make waves and go down in the books as something truly remarkable!

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We are the leading outdoor living designers with over 37 years of experience building extraordinary custom decks, patios and four-season outdoor spaces. Each design is tailored to give our clients their dream outdoor space and reveal their homes untapped outdoor living potential. Expect more from your deck and call us to explore the possibilities today!

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Great American Country

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